Missions and Duties of the Minister
The Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio executes the Nation's policy in the fields of economy, industry and public portfolio.
On economy and industry:
- design and propose legislation on economic matters;
- monitor the application of economic regulations;
- highlight the economic potential of the Congo;
- encourage the participation of donors in the funding of national and community development projects;
- Define and apply measures to promote competitiveness, growth and development of the economy;
- to follow the evolution of the national economy and to propose any adapted measure of dynamisation or adjustment;
- contribute to the development and implementation of policies aimed at the development of the private economy;
- carry out studies and economic forecasts;
- design and implement organizational and management measures for industrial activities;
- implement, with the ministries concerned, the new industrial development instruments; including free zones, industrial zones, preferential zones and export insurance;
- to control, with the concerned ministries, the industrial establishments;
- adopt and value the results of applied research;
- to facilitate the effective transfer of technologies to the benefit of companies established in Congo and to take care of them;
- to facilitate the effective transfer of technologies to the benefit of companies established in Congo and to take care of them;
- promote, coordinate and monitor industrial activities;
- implement the policy of industrial standardization and quality control of national and international industrial products;
- orient and control companies in the field of industry;
- promote and guarantee industrial property;
- Promote and promote the creation of technical and financial bodies for the implementation of the policy of support for private initiatives;
- coordinate private sector promotion activities;
- coordinate the dialogue between the State and representative institutions of the private sector;
- Establish, in collaboration with the ministries concerned, an incentive environment for private sector investment and development;
- promote incentives for private initiative by nationals;
- promote and develop domestic and foreign direct investment;
- participate in the development of national industry and private sector development plans and programs;
- support the development of private initiatives and the strengthening of the competitiveness of enterprises, society and industries and their contribution to the economic and social development of the country;
- develop and implement, in consultation with the ministries concerned, an institutional and regulatory framework favorable to the creation and financing of enterprises;
- promote public-private partnerships;
- foster the emergence and development of growth poles;
- participate in the development of cooperation agreements in the field of its competence and ensure their application;
- participate in the development of environmental standards.
On public portfolio:
- exercise financial supervision over public companies;
- ensure optimal management of the public portfolio;
- acquire and manage State investments;
- carry out the economic and financial evaluation of the rights, shares, shares and bonds subscribed by the State.