Created by law N° 19-2015 of October 29, 2015, the Congolese standardization and quality agency is a public administrative and technical institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry.
The Congolese Agency for Standardization and Quality is a public administrative institution with legal personality and financial autonomy.
The Congolese Agency for Standardization and Quality is responsible for ensuring standardization, metrology, certification and quality promotion work in all sectors.
Ministry of economy, industry and public portfolio
Ground floor
Boulevard Denis SASSOU NGUESSO
face ex Cinéma VOG, B.P. 993
Brazzaville, Congo
- Identify national requirements for standards;
- Centralize and control all standardization work;
- Elaborate standardization and quality rules based on technical standardization committees whose organizational and operational modalities are laid down by regulation;
- Promote quality management in companies and other socio-economic organizations;
- Train and sensitize all socio-economic actors on standardization, metrology, and certification and quality promotion;
- Manage the national directory of standards;
- Ensure the alignment of the national measurement system with the international system of units;
- Create and make functional the sectoral technical committees and the certification committee;
- Implement the national system of certification of products and services with attribution of a national mark of conformity;
- Represent the Congo in international standardization bodies and related activities.
The directorate general of the Congolese standardization and quality agency, in addition to the executive secretariat and the IT unit, comprises:
- The directorate of standardization;
- The directorate of quality promotion;
- The directorate of metrology;
- The directorate of human resources, administration and finance;
- Departmental offices.